
pavlova recipe : Best Recipe for Making Chocolate Fudge Brownies

If you love chocolate fudge brownies, you should know how to make them. Below is an easy recipe for making brownies. You'll have a lot of fun trying this recipe out. Preparation time for these brownies is fifteen minutes. Cooking time is estimated to be 55 minutes. From this recipe, you are likely to make about eighteen brownies. In order to be able to make good fudge brownies, you need to know what ingredients you need. The ingredients that are needed for the brownies include the following;
- Butter (200 grams) 
- Three eggs 
- Two egg yolks 
- Packed dark cooking chocolate, which needs to be coarsely chopped (200 grams) 
- Casting sugar (270 grams) 
- Plain flour (115 grams) 
- Cocoa powder (35 grams)

After you have finished preparing all your ingredients, you can go ahead and start making your brownies. The first step is to pre-heat your oven to about 160 degree centigrade. You should then slab a pan with your prepared melted butter and also try to line it with non-sticking baking powder. This will make certain that the brownies do not stick to the sides of the pan, thus, making them easy to remove.
You should melt the butter and chocolate in a large bowl. The melting should not be done over direct heat, but it should be over a saucepan half filled with water. You should then whisk the egg yolk and the eggs in another bowl, until they are well mixed. The chocolate mixture should be allowed to cool a little, before you finally add the egg mixture.
Mix the flour and sugar in another bowl, add cocoa powder and then add the mixture to the chocolate bowl. Stir until they are well combined. Do not over stir, as this could make your brownies hard. When you are done, pour the mixture in the pan you prepared.
The brownies should be baked in oven for about fifty minutes, or until the crumbs start to adhere to the skewer inserted in the center. You should try not to over bake the brownies, or they will be too dried. After the brownies are baked, set them aside for a minimum of six hours, so as to allow them to cool. This will also help the brownies to set. It will be even better if you leave the brownies to set overnight. When they have cooled, you can go ahead and cut them into good-sized pieces. You are now ready to serve them to your family members.

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