
Signature 100% Colombian Coffee, 3 Pound

  • 100% Colombian coffee
  • Finely ground

List Price: $22.90
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Product Description
This Colombia coffee was produced by some of the 600,000-plus members of the National Federation of the Coffee Growers of Colombia, an association of mostly small-holding Colombian growers whose reliably good-quality coffee, community support programs and sophisticated marketing campaigns around the Juan Valdez symbol together constitute one of the great successes of coffee history. That said, this is not a classic Colombia but an interestingly flawed version that also happens to be a remarkable bargain.

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Tag med Madkonceptet på marked (John Mortan)

Madkonceptet er klar til det ?rlige kunsth?ndv?rkermarked! Hvert ?r afholder Danske Kunsth?ndv?rkere et marked p? Frue Plads i indre K?benhavn. I ?r afholdes det den 15. til 17. August 2013, og i ?r har markedet 30 ?rs jubil?um. Catering virksomheden Madkonceptet skal selvf?lgelig v?re med til at fejre jubil?et og vil deltage p? markedet med en bod, hvor de mange bes?gende kan komme forbi og f? l?kker mad og drikke.

Madkonceptet holder meget af at deltage p? dette marked hvert ?r, da de her f?r en god mulighed for at komme t?ttere p? deres kunder. "Der er altid en god stemning p? markedet og vi elsker at tale med vores kunder og h?re hvad de syntes om vores mad. Sidste ?r var vejret fantastisk og der var mange bes?gende, s? vi har h?je forventninger til markedet i ?r. Vi har i ?r ogs? f?et alkoholbevilling, s? vi tropper op med en tapas box og tilh?rende gode vine", siger Camilla de Jesus, medejer af Madkonceptet.

For en catering virksomhed i K?benhavn er et marked, som dette, en god m?de at komme ud og vise eventuelle nye kunder, hvad Madkonceptet kan tilbyde af catering. Virksomheden har med ?rene erfaret, at de bedste steder at komme ud og vise folk, hvad de kan, er p? sm? og hyggelige markeder. Store messer har slet ikke samme effekt. "P? de sm? markeder er der en anden ro og tid til at folk kommer forbi alle boder, og derfor er der st?rre sandsynlighed for at de netop stopper ved Madkonceptet og f?r sig en smagspr?ve", fort?ller Camilla.

Madkonceptet har eksisteret siden ?r 2009 og er drevet af Camilla's mand Andr? Hansen. Madkonceptet leverer catering til b?de private og virksomheder lige fra festmad til konfirmationer og frokostordninger til virksomheder i K?benhavn og Nordsj?lland. Virksomheden ligger p? ?sterbro, og Camilla og hendes mand elsker at have en virksomhed i byen, hvor de kan v?re t?t p? og v?re en del af K?benhavns kulinariske madunivers.

John Morton is author of this website and writes articles since long time. For further details about catering k?benhavn and catering please visit the website.
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Film Critic

Film Critic
What will I be doing?
            Watching firm and then writing reviews for publication in newspapers or magazines.

What will I need to start?
            Love of all types of movies. If you don’t like films or like only some genres(action films and dramas but not musical or westerns, for instance), forget it. You must also know something about filmmaking: it’s history and some of the greatest firlms that have been made; how films and made; how characters are fleshed out; how action is sustained; what camera shots are available to the director, and how he uses them fro effect; how films are edited; and how the musical score adds to or dilutes the film’s overall effect.
            Reviewing a film is pretty much like reviewing a book of fiction or non fiction: you’ll have to write an essay. (To get an idea of the film reviews that you must emulate or try to beat, read Times, Newsweek, The New Yorker, Playboy, and other first-class publications.) and if you’re just starting out, you’re not likely to get invited to advance screening-that will have to wait until you’ve established your credential –so try to attend the first-day screening of any film you want to write about, write a review, and then send it for publication before the film ends its run. With luck, one of your reviews will get published, and you may look forward to getting more in print if you do your job right

Who will my customer be?
            The entertainment section of daily newspapers, weekly magazine, and teen, women’s, and men’s magazine. But remember that a review is not a one-size-fits-all thing: you’ll have to write in a language that your readers can understand and relate to.
How much should I charge?
            Expect P800 to P2,000 for a review of 400 to 800 words and P1,000 to P2,000 for a capsule review(4,000 to 5,000 characters) of several films

How much will I make?
            Your expense in this business is mainly the price of the movie ticket, and if you write great reviews, you may expect many publication to welcome your contributions
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Lamb Tartare

Lamb Tartare
By: Jaime Zavala

Ingredients: Serve 4
Rosemary oil
20 grams rosemary leaves
½ cup extra virgin olive oil

Blanch rosemary leaves. Separate leaves form stems and place in a blender. Add the olive oil and purre until smooth. Set aside

Mushroom Relish
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
1 cup assorted mushrooms, sliced, with stems removed
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar salt and pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon orange peel, finely chopped

In a skillet, heat olive oil over moderate heat sauté onion and mushrooms. Add red wine vinegar and season with salt and pepper.

Place the mixture into a food processor and process until cut into ifne pieces.

Remove from the food processor and add the orange peel. Set aside.

Lamb tartar
¼ kilo lamb loin, ground or finely cut
¼ cup shallots, finely chopped
½ teaspoon mustard
1 tablespoon truffle oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice salt and pepper, to taste
1 tablespoon chopped parsley rosemary sprig, for garnish

In a ceramic bowl, using two table forks, place the ground lamb, shallots, mustard, truffle oil and lemon juice. Mash until fine season with salt and pepper. Add the chopped parsley.

On a dinner plate, place a 1 inch thick mold. Place a spoonful of lamb tartar inside the mold then flatten. Top with a rosemary sprig. Around the mold drizzle with the rosemary oil and place 1 teaspoonful of mushroom relish. Repeat procedure with the other three remaining dinner plates.
Remove mold before serving. 
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Sesame Ginger Asparagus

Sesame Ginger Asparagus

Thin asparagus always makes an elegant side dish. Sprinkle it with a hint of red pepper flakes for an impressive presentation. This dish is lovely served with a fish main course.

prep 10 minutes
cook 15 minutes
makes 4 accompaniment serving

3/4 kilo thin asparagus, trimmed and cut diagonally into 2 inch pieces
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 tablespoon chopped peeled fresh ginger
1 tablespoon reduced sodium soy souce
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 teaspoon sesame oil

1. In 12 inch skiller, heat 1 cup water to boiling over high heat. add asparagus; heat to boiling. Reduce heat to medium. cover and cook 4 to 5 minutes or until asparagus is tender crisp. Drain asparagus in colander, then immediately plunge into large bowl of ice water to stop cooking; drain thoroughly.

2. Carefully wipe skiller dry with paper towels. add canola oil; heat oil over high heat until hot. add asparagus, ginger, soy souce, and crushed red pepper, and cook 1 to 2 minutes or just until asparagus is heated through. remove skiller from heat; stir in sesame seeds and sesame oil.

each serving about 90 calories, 4g protein, 8g carbohydrate, 5g total fat( 0.5g saturated) 4g fiber, 0mg cholesterol, 160mg sodium

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Adobong Tahong Recipe | Healthy Seafoods Recipe

 Adobong Tahon Recipe
Adobong Tahong Recipe | Healthy Seafoods Recipe
1 lb. Mussels, cleaned and shell removed
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons white vinegar
4 pieces dried bay leaves
1 tablespoon whole peppercorn
2 tablespoons toasted garlic
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Salt to taste

  • Heat oil in a pan. Put-in the garlic and peppercorns. Cook until the garlic turns light brown.
  • Add mussels. Stir and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Put-in bay leaves, add the soy sauce and 1 tablespoon roasted garlic. Boil. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  • Pour in the vinegar. Allow the liquid to reboil. Stir and cook for 3 minutes.
  • Add salt to taste. Transfer to a serving platter. Top with remaining garlic toast. Serve.
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    Holder jeres frokostleverandør sommerferie? (John Mortan)

    Mangler I en frokostordning i uge 29 til 32? Hver sommer kommer de fleste virksomheder til at m?rke, at der holdes ferie over det ganske land. Derfor vil der v?re en del virksomheder, der ikke f?r leveret frokostordning, som de plejer. Madkonceptet vil g?re op med dette og har valgt at holde ?bent hele sommerferien. S? har din virksomhed brug for en frokostordning, s? er det med at kontakte Madkonceptet.

    Madkonceptet er en catering virksomhed beliggende p? ?sterbro i indre K?benhavn. Virksomheden har eksisteret siden 2009 og levere frokostordninger og catering til virksomheder og privat personer. Madkonceptet kan tilbyde 3 forskellige frokostordninger. I hver af frokostordningerne er der b?de varme og kolde retter, flere salater, tapas anretning og l?kker hjemmelavet rugbr?d og br?d. En gang om ugen serveres der en fiskeret. Der er derfor lidt til en hver smag! Hver torsdag serveres, der kage til eftermiddags kaffen, som kan v?re alt fra en guler?dskage til gammeldags ?blekage.

    Dog vil Andr? gerne forsvare Portugal overfor "storebroderen" Spanien. "Det kan godt v?re at Spanien er verdenskendt for sin tapas og paella, mens de f?rreste kan n?vne karakteristiske portugisiske madretter, men if?lge GoLisbon vil selv spaniere indr?mme at maden i Portugal er bedre. Portugals k?kken er is?r karakteriseret ved friskhed, variation og enkelthed", fort?ller Andr?. Dette kan v?re grunden til, at Madkonceptets tapas er s? vellidt. Det er en god kombination af den spanske tapas og den portugiske friske, varierende og enkle k?kken.

    Madkonceptet er en catering virkosmhede, der har eksisteret siden 2009. Virksomheden leverer diverse udbud af catering til de k?benhavnske borgere og virksomheder.Det kan v?re fordi Andr? Hansen, ejer af Madkonceptet, har haft en finger med i madlavningen. Han er nemlig halv portugiser og har det sydlandske k?kken i sit blod - og med Spanien, som nabo, kan Andr? n?sten ikke undg? at blive inspireret af den spanske tapas.

    Bon appetit!

    John Morton is author of this website and writes articles since long time. For further details about Frokostordninger and frokostordning please visit the website.
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    Herbed Vinaigrette

    Herbed Vinaigrette

    This tasty vinaigrette is sure to spice up your salads

    prep about 20minutes
    make about 1 1/2 cups

    1/2 cup white wine vinegar
    1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil leaves
    2 tablespoon chopped fresh marjoram leaves
    2 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley leaves
    2 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon leaves
    2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano leaves
    2 tablespoon capers, drained and chopped
    1 tablespoon dijon mustard
    1/2 teaspoon sugar substitute
    1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper(optional)

    In jar with tight fitting lid, combine vinegar, oil, basil marjoram, parsley, tarragon, oregano, capers, dijon, sugar substitute, and pepper if using. tightly close jar and shake vigorously. if not using right away, refrigerate up to 1 week. shake just before serving to mix well.

    each tablespoon: about 90 calories, 0g protein, 1g carbohydrate, 9g total fat( 1.5g saturated) 0g fiber, 0mg cholesterol 55mg sodium.

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    fluffy biscuit recipe - Homemade Biscuit Recipe

    fluffy biscuit recipe

    fluffy biscuit recipe - Homemade Biscuit Recipe

    The following recipe is what is called making biscuit's from scratch - My Grandmother made them like this, but mother was lazy and opted for the canned variety - that we all know taste, well not that great.
    Making biscuits from scratch is not hard at all - it takes us about 20 minutes from beginning to out of the oven and ready to eat. They taste so much better and you can have quality time with the kids making them - Why? Because there is a cookie cutter involved and it's like working with Play-Doh!
    fluffy biscuit recipe
    2 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour (never really tried anything else)
    3 teaspoons of baking powder
    ½-teaspoon salt
    ½ cup of shortening (Crisco)
    1-cup milk (we use buttermilk)
    Cooking Directions:
    Preheat Oven to 450 F. degrees
    In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Using blender, cut shortening into flour until consistency of course meal. Pour in milk; stir with fork until mixture leaves sides of bowl and forms a soft moist dough, toss lightly until no longer stocky, Roll out to ½ inch thick, and cut with 2-inch floured cookie cutter. Place on un-greased cookie sheet. Bake biscuits in oven on middle or top rack at 450 degrees for 8-12 minutes or until lightly golden. Serve hot with butter and favorite jams and jelly or honey. Makes about 12-15 biscuits.
    For snacks throughout the morning leave the left over biscuits plated on the top of the stove, and they can ad peanut butter, or their favorite spreads for a mid morning treat.
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    easy flan recipe - Best Flan Recipe Ever - Guaranteed!

    My friend from Puerto Rico gave me this recipe. This flan is fabulous and easy to make! This is a family recipe she learned from her Mother. There are only 4 ingredients, it is super easy!
    I am on a raw food diet now and will probably never stop. I eat about 90% raw, but sugar is not included in that 10%. I doubt if I will stop this diet anytime soon, the results have been tremendous and I am only just over 3 months! I thought since I could not enjoy this wonderful dessert, maybe someone else would.
    I must admit I had a little problem with making the caramel the first time. Her recipe called for sugar and water. I would put these in the pan, get to a nice boil, only to find that the water evaporated and left me with sugar! That first time, I kept adding more water, having it dry out and leaving me with sugar. How frustrated I was!
    I finally called her after about an hour to find out what I was doing wrong. (You would think I would have been smart enough to call her after the first few times.) She laughed and laughed when I got her on the phone. "Jou need to let the sugar melt", she told me. (Her "y" always sounded like a "j"--my friends and I loved when she said someone had been "jelling" [yelling] at her.)
    She teased me about the sugar for the longest time! "How can jou melt a heart, when jou can't even melt sugar", she would say. (We were much younger then.) "How do jou expect to get a boyfriend if jou can't even melt sugar." She is a wonderful lady with a finely tuned sense of humor.
    Oh yea...the flan, I almost forgot.
    Let the sugar melt in the pan. Cook it over med-high heat and watch it every minute. It will brown into that wonderful caramel color. 

    For the Flan:
    6 large eggs
    2--12oz cans of Evaporated Skim Milk
    1 1/2 cups of Sugar
    1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
    For the Caramel:
    2 cups of Sugar
    1/4 cup of water (although I never use this any more, I just melt the sugar)
    Making the Caramel
    Put the 2 cups of sugar into a pan (frying pan or pot). You can add the water if you like, but I no longer do. Cook over med-high heat until the sugar melts and becomes a nice golden brown. You need to watch this carefully and adjust the heat as needed. The sugar will boil as it melts, this is normal.
    Making The Flan
    Put the caramel in a 8X3 cake pan. Allow it to cool slightly while you make the flan.
    The flan is much easier than the caramel and after your first time the caramel is easy also.
    Crack 6 eggs into a large bowl. Mix the eggs together using a fork or a whisk.
    Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until smooth. You (Jou) can use a mixer, but all you really need is a fork or whisk.
    Pour this over the caramel in the cake pan.
    Cooking the Flan
    This flan must be cooked in a water bath. Find a pan that will fit you cake pan. Make sure there is space around all sides of the cake pan. I usually use a roaster pan or lasagna pan for this.
    Put the cake pan with the flan ingredients into the outer pan. Put water into the outer pan high enough to come about 3/4 of the way up on the cake pan.
    Place the pans in a pre-heated 350 degree F oven and cook for 1 hour. Check the flan with a toothpick in the middle to ensure it is done. The flan may not look exactly firm, but if the toothpick is clean it is done.
    Let the flan sit until mostly cool. Put a plate over the top of the cake pan. Make sure the plate is big enough for the flan and the caramel.
    Turn the cake pan and plate over quickly, holding the plate over the top of the cake pan. Let the flan cool, the caramel will not harden. Jou now have a wonderful, delicious treat to serve!
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    easy soft pretzel recipe - How to Make Homemade Soft Pretzels

    Just like most people, I enjoy a good soft pretzel from time to time. However, I hate paying $3.00 for one at my local mall or area sporting event, when I can make a great tasting one at home.
    This recipe was given to me by an Amish woman that I had gotten to know back in the late 1980's. The Amish here in South Central Pennsylvania, are great pretzel makers. This recipe will make 28-30 pretzels, so I recommend freezing the ones you won't be eating that day.
    -easy soft pretzel recipe Making Tips:
    1. You can buy kosher coarse salt at most grocery stores.
    2. Follow the recipe closely and in the order that the steps are given.
    3. If you want to freeze them after baking, cut the baking time down by 2-3 minutes. Let them completely cool, then wrap for freezing. To reheat them from the freezer, microwave on 50% power for 1 minute.
    -easy soft pretzel recipe:
    2 1/2 cups warm water
    2 packages dry yeast
    1/3 cup granulated sugar
    2 teaspoons salt
    5 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
    1 egg
    7-8 cups all-purpose flour
    In a large mixing bowl, combine the warm water and yeast; stir until yeast is dissolved. Stir in the granulated sugar, salt, butter, egg and 3 cups of flour. Beat mixture at medium speed until all ingredients are combined and smooth. Add remaining flour and mix until dough is still. Place dough mixture in refrigerate for 4 hours.
    Remove dough and divide in half. Return the other half back to refrigerator until you have the other half worked. Place dough on a lightly floured dough board and divide into 15 equal pieces, form each piece into a log shape that measures 18" long. Shape into a pretzel form.
    Place onto a greased cookie sheet or a baking sheet lined with a nonstick silicone baking mat. Brush each pretzel generously with egg white. Sprinkle each one with coarse salt. Let them sit on baking sheet to rise for 5 minutes. Place baking sheets into a preheated 350 degree oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until they are golden brown.
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    flourless chocolate cake recipe - Flourless Chocolate Cake Dessert Recipe

    flourless chocolate cake recipe

    flourless chocolate cake recipe - Flourless Chocolate Cake Dessert Recipe

    flourless chocolate cake recipe
    flourless chocolate cake recipe
    9 ounces unsalted butter, diced
    9 ounces of dark chocolate (approx. 50% cocoa solids), broken into pieces
    5 medium eggs, separated, whites from the yolks
    9 ounces of sugar
    1 Tablespoon of water
    Glaze or Ganash:
    5.25 ounces of dark chocolate, broken into pieces
    2 Ounces of Heavy Cream
    2 Tablespoons brandy
    4 Ounces of powdered sugar and a sifter for dusting , and a doily to use as the mold for dusting a design on top of the cake
    1 Sprig of Mint for the top as garnish
    Directions for making the no bake chocolate cake recipe:
    Preheat the oven to 325 for a gas oven, and 350 for an electric oven. You will need a 9 inch cake pan with a removable base, to add the cake mixture to before baking. In a pan over a double boiler you will melt the chocolate, and the butter, stirring often, and be careful not to burn. Once it is totally melted remove from the double boiler, and wait to add the rest of the mixtures below as follows.
    In a separate bowl you will whisk the egg yolks with half of the sugar for a few minutes until the egg yolk and sugar mixture is a pale yellow. This is done to make sure that the egg yolks are cooked, and the sugar is melted.
    In a separate bowl you will whisk the egg whites with the other half of the sugar until they reach stiff peaks. When you have finished whisking you should have what is called a meringue, and it should be stiff and shiny.
    You will then start to fold in the semi cool chocolate, and butter, into the yolks egg mixture, then the egg whites, you will do this in 1/3's on each mixture. Make sure to fold in and not mix. You do not want to overwork, if you do the cake will be very dense instead of light and fluffy. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until done, when a tooth pick is inserted in the center, and comes out clear.
    When the cake is cooked until done, you will remove the cake from the oven. You will then take a knife and insert it, and run it on the inside of the cake mold, and the outside of the cake. You are clearing the sides from the ring mold, and leave it to cool in the tin, on a wire rack. The wire rack will help air to circulate on the bottom so it will cool evenly, and it will cool somewhat faster. It will also help eliminate a soggy bottom, or center. The sides of the cake may shrink in some, or maybe even quite a bit that will be okay. You can trim the cake if you like, if the appearance is not an issue, that is all good, too.
    While the cake is cooling melt the ganash, or glaze over a double boiler. You will do this with the chocolate, and the heavy cream stirring over a low to medium heat until all is melted. You will then add your Brandy and stir. You will then remove the cake ring or cake collar while leaving the cake on the base, place it on a plate or cake board. Trickle the icing over the top and edges, allowing it to run over. You will set the cake in a cool place or on a cooling rack for several hours for the icing to set.
    Before you are ready for service you will use your doily at this time to make a pattern that you desire, and dust lightly over it, to make a design on the top of your cake. Do not touch the doily to the top of the cake just place about an inch or two above the top of the cake. Add your mint spring atop of the cake for the finishing touches. This cake can be served several hours after it has totally cooled, or you can chill it in the fridge and serve the next day if you so desire. Enjoy.
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    salad nicoise recipe - Savory Step By Step Recipes

    According to food experts, a "salad" is a ready-to-eat dish that's made of varied ingredients in a wet of once-wet base and is served chilled or at moderate temperature. Most people today use the word salad to describe savory, light and leafy vegetable dishes, which are often served with a dressing or sauce. However, the salad category additionally includes dishes made with ingredients like meats, seafood, grains, fruits, and sweets. And while some salads use raw vegetables, others use cooked ingredients. Here's how to prepare one yummy and easy step by step recipe, salad Nicoise.
    Create The Dressing
    To make the dressing, the first thing you should do is tip the olives, garlic and anchovies into a large mortar, and mash them using a pestle until you create a very rough paste. Scrape into a bowl, and stir with lemon juice, olive oil and vinegar (if you prefer to), and set aside.
    Cook The Potatoes
    The next step would be to cook the potatoes in boiling water for at least fifteen minutes until they become tender. Then set aside. Next, cook the beans in boiling water (with salt) for at least four to five minutes, until they become tender and Crunchy. Next, drain and tip into iced water, and drain again and set aside. Boil the potatoes in a small pan. Next, cut the potatoes in halves and heat two tablespoons of oil in a non-stick frying pan. Place the potatoes (cut side down) in the pan, and sizzle them for at least four minutes until they become crisp and golden.
    Fry the Tomatoes
    Next, toss the potatoes in the pan, and brown to brown all sides, and turn up the heat, and now add the tomatoes. Make sure you fry the tomatoes for around a minute until they start to blister. Then season them afterwards. Pour at least one tablespoonful of balsamic vinegar, and turn off the heat and scatter the basil over.
    Cook the Tuna
    To cook the tuna, place a non-stick frying pan over high heat, and turn the heat down to medium, and start adding one tablespoonful of oil. Generously season the tuna, and sear for at least four minutes, and leave it until it turns brown. Turn over the tuna, and continue cooking for four minutes more. This will give the tuna a rare look and feel. Set the tuna aside and let it cool off for 2 minutes.
    To serve the salad Nicoise, stir the remaining vinegar and oil, along with the lemon juice into a small bowl and add in the lettuce wedges. Next, place a spoonful of olive dressing into two serving bowls, and arrange the potatoes and tomatoes over, as well as put a pile of beans on top. Next, slice the tuna in half and place each half on top of the beans. And then wedge the lettuce around the outside, halve the eggs, and place them between the lettuces. Place a small spoonful of olive dressing on each egg, as well.
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    vegetarian pad thai recipe - Easy Vegetarian Pad Thai Noodle Recipe

    vegetarian pad thai recipe

    vegetarian pad thai recipe - Easy Vegetarian Pad Thai Noodle Recipe

    An authentic pad Thai recipe usually has tamarind juice or pulp to give it a distinct orange hue and sweet flavor. Tamarind can be hard to find, however, depending on where you live. Try this easy vegetarian and vegan version instead.


      vegetarian pad thai recipe
    • 1 pound Asian-style rice noodles
    • 1/4 cup soy sauce
    • 1/2 cup lime juice
    • 2 tbsp peanut butter
    • 2 tbsp hot sauce
    • 1/4 cup sugar
    • 1 block tofu, diced
    • 1 onion, diced
    • 4 cloves garlic, minced
    • 2 tbsp sesame oil
    • 1/2 cup bean sprouts
    • 1/4 cup chopped or crushed peanuts (optional)
    • 4 green onions (scallions), sliced


    - Cook noodles according to package instructions.
    - Whisk together the soy sauce, peanut butter, lime juice, hot sauce and sugar.
    - In a large wok or skillet, sautee the tofu, onion and garlic in sesame oil for a minute or two, stirring frequently. Allow to cook for another minute or two.
    - Add the cooked noodles and the peanut butter and soy sauce mixture. Stir well, and allow sauce to thicken as it cooks for about 3 minutes. Top with peanuts, bean sprouts and green onions and serve hot.

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    Keurig Vue Cup Storage Drawer Holder for 25 Vue Pods Packs by DecoBros

    • Holder for 25 Vue Pods Drawer (5 Rows X 5 Cols)
    • Sliding drawer
    • Stackable for multiple drawers, Space saving design
    • Easy to Clean, Rubber Mat absorbs vibrations
    • Dimensions - 13-1/4-inch lenth by 12-1/2-inch width by 3.125 height

    List Price: $29.99
    Special Offer: check this out!

    Related Products

    Product Description
    The new design to save up to 25 Vue-cup coffee pods. Easy to slide in and out to get pod you want.
    Rubber Mat keep your coffee machine safe to put on the top of the drawer, but also absorbs vibrations
    No additional space to store your favorite coffee Pods. Enjoy your coffee with simple organize.

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    Madkonceptet er kendt for deres velsmagende og indbydende tapas catering (John Mortan)

    Det kan v?re fordi Andr? Hansen, ejer af Madkonceptet, har haft en finger med i madlavningen. Han er nemlig halv portugiser og har det sydlandske k?kken i sit blod - og med Spanien, som nabo, kan Andr? n?sten ikke undg? at blive inspireret af den spanske tapas.

    Dog vil Andr? gerne forsvare Portugal overfor "storebroderen" Spanien. "Det kan godt v?re at Spanien er verdenskendt for sin tapas og paella, mens de f?rreste kan n?vne karakteristiske portugisiske madretter, men if?lge GoLisbon vil selv spaniere indr?mme at maden i Portugal er bedre. Portugals k?kken er is?r karakteriseret ved friskhed, variation og enkelthed", fort?ller Andr?. Dette kan v?re grunden til, at Madkonceptets tapas er s? vellidt. Det er en god kombination af den spanske tapas og den portugiske friske, varierende og enkle k?kken.

    Madkonceptet er en catering virkosmhede, der har eksisteret siden 2009. Virksomheden leverer diverse udbud af catering til de k?benhavnske borgere og virksomheder.Madkonceptet har haft den forn?jelse at tr?de ind bag kulisserne p? optagelsen af den nye danske film "Far til fire - Onkel Sofus vender tilbage". Virksomheden skulle levere catering til de h?rdtarbejdende skuespillere og folk bag kameraet, s? de fik et lille heldigt glimt af hvad os filmg?ngere kan vente os. "Som catering virksomhed kan du komme ud for lidt af hvert, n?r der ringes efter frokost eller andet catering. Vi ved aldrig hvem vores n?ste kunde er. Da vi fik gl?den af at skulle levere frokost til en dansk b?rnefilm, ville vi hellere end gerne v?re en del af det. Far til fire filmene er jo en del af dansk filmkultur!", fort?ller Camilla de Jesus, som er medejer af Madkonceptet. Madkonceptet er en catering virksomhed i K?benhavn, som har leveret catering siden 2009 til b?de virksomheder og privat personer. Virksomheden har forskellige catering tilbud, som sp?nder lige fra tapas catering, receptioner til 3-retters menuer. Madkonceptet er altid 110 % engageret i deres kunders ?nsker og behov, og der bruges altid gode r?varer fra ?rstiden, s? kvaliteten er i h?js?det. Madkonceptet st?r for 5 v?rdier, som de efterlever hver eneste dag: kvalitet, service, fleksibilitet, ?rlighed og kreativitet. Alt dette f?r du, n?r du modtager catering fra Madkonceptet og desuden til fornuftige priser.

    John Morton is author of this website and writes articles since long time. For further details about tapas catering and catering please visit the website.
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    Roast turkey

    Roast turkey
    Roast turkey
    Recipe by Norma Chikiamco

    Ingredients: serve 15 to 20
    1 whole Butterball turkey, (about 9 to 10 pounds) Salt and pepper, to taste
    ½ cup butter, divide into two portion
    1 onion, peeled
    Fresh sage, optional
    Fresh thyme, optional

    Pre heat oven to 425oF

    Remove the packed turkey neck, liver and giblets from the turkey and set aside for making the gravy. Wash turkey well inside and out. Pat dry with paper towels. Season inside and out with salt and pepper.

    Melt 1 portion of the butter in a small skillet.

    Positions turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a roasting pan and brush all over with melted butter. (if you don know which is the breast side up, just remember, the wing tip has to points upward.)

    Cut remaining butter into cubes and insert in cavity of turkey, together with whole onion and herbs, if using.

    Season turkey again with salt and pepper. Insert meat thermometer on the thickest part of the turkey, which would be the thigh, closest to the body. Be sure meat thermometer does not touch the bone.

    Put turkey in preheated oven. Turn oven temperature down to 350oF. check after 45 minutes to see if turkey is browning too fast. If so, lower heat to 325oF. you may also cover the turkey loosely with a tent of aluminum foil.

    While turkey is roasting, you may baste it occasionally with the drippings. For this purpose, you should use a basting brush with a long handle. (it is also okay not to baste turkey, if you don’t want to.)

    Note: for a 9 to 10lb. turkey. Check for doneness after 2 ½ hours. The meat thermometer should register 180oF. if it hasn’t reached that temperature yet, return turkey to oven and continue checking after every few minutes. Turkey is fully cooked when the thickest part is pricked with a metal skewer and the juices run clear.

    When the turkey is done remove it from the oven and transfer onto a serving platter. Reserve the drippings from the pan for the gravy.

    Allow the turkey to rest for about 30 minutes before carving. Serve with gravy and cranberry sauce(available in supermarkets).

    Giblet Gravy
    1 turkey neck(from package)
    1 turkey giblet (from package)
    1 turkey liver (from package)
    1 teaspoon salt
    3 cups water dripping from turkey
    ¼ cup flour

    Put turkey neck, giblet, liver and salt in large saucepan. Pour in water. Simmer for about 30 minutes.

    Let turkey neck continue to simmer in the water for another 30 minutes but remove giblet and liver. Transfer into a mortar and pound with a pestle until of very fine consistency. Set aside.

    Remove turkey neck from saucepan and turn off heat. Pry the meat form the bones. Chop meat finely. Set aside together with the pounded giblet and liver. Make sure you also set aside the simmering liquid, which would constitute the broth.

    Strain the turkey drippings into a measuring bowl, to separate the liquid from the fat.

    Spoon about 2 tablespoons of the fat into a deep saucepan. Add flour and cook over low heat, constantly stirring the fat and the flour until well blended. Pour enough of the broth into the reserved drippings to make 2 cups. Add the pounded turkey meat, giblet and liver.

    Gradually pour mixture into the flour fat mixture in the saucepan. Stir over low heat until smooth consistency. Season with additional salt if needed. Strain and serve with roast turkey. 
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    Indian Food on High Demand In London

    In the UK, Indian cuisine is one of the most popular types of food and there are thousands of curry houses in and around London alone. People in the city love food a lot and this is the reason why they even have a National Curry Week, which usually is celebrated by the end of November. According to the survey, there are well over 10,000 Indian restaurants in the UK. All these restaurants serve food lovers with various delicious eating items cooked in traditional processes catering every taste bud. You will also find some of the top restaurants in London providing some of the best dishes of the country.

    But here, the question arises is that why we the Brits are so obsessed with this exotic Indian Food. The reason may perhaps be the spiciness that is often found to be lacking in our own food, or it may be the rich creamy curries like Chicken Korma that attract our sulky taste buds. India is a big country and most of its history of culinary has been influenced by other countries & cultures. The Persians has brought in a variety of rich ingredients and nuts in Indian. The Chinese have also introduced various spices and nuts. You will also find that the cuisine is heavily influenced by Thai and Malaysian food, which has led cook to prepare their own delicious curries.

    The love and popularity of Indian food among the people in London goes back further than you would think. In fact, you can follow it back, to the times of East India Company that had allegedly brought various ingredients and dishes to shores of London. Most of these audacious seamen were from Bengal. It is a known fact that India provide different cuisines from its different regions with the north being famous for bread dishes such as Roti & Paratha. Whereas, if you travel to the east you will find that sweet dishes such as Rasagolla is very popular among the food lovers. This is a savoury cheese ball dipped in sugar syrup. You will probably find these dishes at Indian food restaurant established in London. The Indian restaurants ensure to serve delicious food without failing to satisfy their guests.

    As more and more people from India is immigrating to the United Kingdom, its cultural diversity is getting expanded and do as the appetite for Indian food among the people. To meet the requirements of the people some of the best Food restaurant in London has been established. These restaurants offer a wide variety Indian dishes which are sure to offer satisfaction to their consumers. The love for cuisine is stronger and its popularity is increasing day by day and our culture has embraced this incredible cuisine more than any other. Its rich taste and use of exotic spices has made it a popular among the people both Indians and Londoners.

    The writer is a food critic based in London. Being in the city he took the opportunity to visit Indian food restaurants to taste their food and environment. Rate this Article

    Indian Food on High Demand In LondonNot Rated Yet

    Joseph Elly John has published 6 articles. Article submitted on July 26, 2013. Word count: 477

    One of my favorite raw food sauce recipes is the Mock Peanut Sauce that I created for Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People. Traditionally, this sauce calls for roasted peanuts, but I use raw almond butter instead.

    Written by: Jennifer Cornbleet

    From burgers to sausages, having great food in the garden is down to having a great barbeque. Outdoor entertainment and food are more relaxed, often tastes better and has an element of fun different to indoor eating.

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    Reflections on my time at the City of London Club for the day and why these places have hung around for so long and it is great to see that they may continue to do so. But all clubs etc have had to become more commercial over the last half century...

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    If you are now staying in Bahrain with your family to spend summer holidays and if you are searching for a top Indian restaurant where you can get pleasure from Indian dishes then you have to never rush to any type of the Indian restaurant but you should locate the top one.

    Written by: Arslan Ejaz Rao

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    Lechon Lomi Recipe | Healthy Pork Recipe

    Lechon Lomi Recipe | Healthy Pork Recipe

    1/2 lb. lechon (roasted pig meat), chopped
    1 lb. flat miki noodles
    1 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce
    1 tablespoon soy sauce
    1 piece beef cube or 3 teaspoons beef powder
    1 piece raw egg, beaten
    1 teaspoon minced garlic
    1 medium yellow onion, minced
    3 tablespoons cornstarch diluted in 3 tablespoons water
    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
    6 cups water
    2 tablespoons cooking oil

    • Heat oil in a large pot. Saute garlic and onion
    • Put-in the beef cube or piglet and dust. Cook for 5 minutes.
    • Pour into water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
    • Add the soy sauce and fish sauce. Stir. Add the diluted cornstarch. Stir.
    • Pour the egg. Stir constantly until well incorporated.
    • Put in the noodles and black pepper. Stir and cook over low to medium heat for 5-8 minutes.
    • Transfer to bowl.
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    Christmas Chocolate Tree Recipe | Quick Healthy Chocolate Tree Recipe | Chocolate Christmas Tree Recipe

    Christmas Chocolate Tree Recipe 
    Christmas Chocolate Tree Recipe | Quick Healthy Chocolate Tree Recipe | Chocolate Christmas Tree Recipe
    • 300g dark chocolate, chopped
    • 1 1/2 cups roasted nuts, chopped
    • cake sprinkles for decorating
    • icing sugar to sprinkle over to finish

    • First, you will need to use templates crossed on nonstick baking paper. See photo. You will need one in each of the following sizes: 16 cm, 13 cm, 10 cm, 7 cm and 4 cm. Use a pencil dark enough should turn the paper to put the chocolate in - do any ink on chocolate. You also have to make a 19cm but I suggest you do this directly on the surface to be present in the tree. This may be a pie plate or plate etc.
    • In a medium bowl, melt chocolate microwave on high for 1 minute. Remove and stir until smooth. You may have another 30 seconds.
    • Mix through the nuts. Let the mixture cool slightly, enough so that the chocolate holds its shape and does not spread when spoons are placed on the paper.
    • Spoon the chocolate with a small spoon is easier, along junctions to form the tree branches.
    • Decorate the branches with cake sprinkles.
    • Chocolate sets put an extra tablespoon in the center of each cross that this will help to give height and form of the tree trunk when assembled Keep the remaining hot chocolate on a bowl of hot water while the tree is placed. When you are sure the branches are set, again place a spoonful of chocolate in the center of the branch beginning with cross base 19cm.
    • Place ontop 16cm branch back to their branches are among the basic branches. See the photo of the finished tree. You have to play to get the balance right, sometimes just adding a small piece walnut under one side is all that is needed. Continue all crosses.
    • Leave the Christmas tree chocolate to set. Sprinkle with icing sugar, chocolate tree come alive when you do this - the magic of Christmas.
    Christmas Chocolate Tree Recipe | Quick Healthy Chocolate Tree Recipe | Chocolate Christmas Tree Recipe

    Christmas Chocolate Tree Recipe | Quick Healthy Chocolate Tree Recipe | Chocolate Christmas Tree Recipe

    Christmas Chocolate Tree Recipe | Quick Healthy Chocolate Tree Recipe | Chocolate Christmas Tree Recipe

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    Prepare Delicious Lumpfish Roe Dishes

    Almost everyone thinks that caviar is too expensive. Well, you could buy quality caviar from the market at affordable prices too. The trick is to know what to buy and how to prepare it at home. For instance lumpfish roe is affordable. Lumpfish roe is perfect to be served as a garnish or an appetizer before the main course. The price of caviar differs according to the quality. However, if you are too cost-specific, you can use lumpfish roe in small amounts and use other ingredients to increase the quantity of the dish. Listed below are some recipes to prepare lumpfish roe in a cost-effective manner.

    Recipe 1

    Ingredients required are:

    Potato - 1 largeButter - 100 gramsWhite crab meat - 55 gramsFresh ground pepper and salt - to tasteWhipped mayonnaise - 2 spoonsLumpfish roe - 25 gramsFor garnishing - chervil, 1 sprig

    Preparation: Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C. Wash the potato and dry it thoroughly. Place the potato on a baking sheet. Then, prick the potato and using a metal skewer, run through the potato. Bake it for 1 and half hour. Once it is baked slice it in half lengthwise and from each half of the potato, take out the flesh into a bowl. Reserve the skin.

    Add butter and crab into the potato. Season it with the ground pepper and salt. In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise with the lumpfish roe. Into the back of the potato skins, put the crab and potato mixture. Then top it up with lumpfish roe and mayonnaise. Garnish with chervil. Serve the dish immediately.

    Recipe 2

    Ingredients required are:

    Pasta - 50 gramsChopped, smoked salmon - 150 gramsSour cream - 150 milliliterChives - 1 spoonLumpfish roe - 50 gramsSalt and fresh ground pepper for seasoning

    Preparation: Cook and then drain the pasta. Toss it with cream, smoked salmon along with chives. Serve it in soup bowls, topped with 1 spoon of lumpfish roe. Season it with pepper and salt. Serve this dish immediately.

    Recipe 3

    Ingredients required are:

    Eggs - 2Olive oil - 60 milliliterPlain yogurt - 125 milliliterMilk - 125 milliliterGrated lemon zest - 1 spoonSelf-rising flour - 375 gramsSugar - 1 teaspoonCreme fraiche - 250 gramsSmoked trout - 1 smallLumpfish caviar - for serving

    Preparation: First preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Then grease mini-muffin pans. In a bowl, combine the oil, eggs, milk, yogurt and lime zest. Into a large bowl, stir in sugar and flour. Pour in the wet ingredients and combine well. Spoon this mixture into the muffin pans. Bake for 12 minutes or till it is cooked. Keep aside to cool it completely. Cut off a small slice from the top of all the muffins, scoop out little from the middle part and discard it. Fill it with little trout, creme fraiche and some lumpfish caviar. The guest will love this preparation.

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    GROSCHE MADRID Premium french Press Coffee and Tea maker, 1 liter 34 fl. oz capacity

    • A true premium quality french press coffee and tea maker, with borosilicate glass beaker and fine crafted chrome housing
    • Brews 1 liter, 32 oz. of the best tasting coffee or tea, allowing the fullest flavor extraction from the coffee or tea
    • Secondary filter is in the lid, turn the lid to close the spout and retain heat, turn back to pour
    • Always use coarse ground coffee in a french press, (1 to 3 tablespoons per mug 300ml)
    • You can also use this french press to make loose leaf or blooming tea. Replacements beakers are available from the manufacturer.

    List Price: $60.00
    Special Offer: check this out!

    Related Products

    Product Description
    Would you like a true premium French Press coffee maker unlike the common types everybody else seems to have? Quality you can see and feel, makes you the tastiest coffee or tea and gives a bold look and presence to your table top. Thats the MADRID French press coffee and tea maker by GROSCHE. A uniquely designed and crafted French press with fine chrome construction makes for a wonderful table top coffee and tea making experience. Commonly known as a French Press coffee maker, this style of manual coffee making has been long accepted as perhaps the best way to make full flavored coffee. By allowing the coarse ground coffee (which is the grind you should always use in a French press - finer grinds can seep through the filters) to infuser completely over a few minutes, the flavors and oils extracted in this process are unmatched. It has a dual filter system, with the main press being one, and another one in the lid as well. When You make your coffee or tea, turn the lid to close the press while your coffee or tea steeps, and turn it again to open it to pour. That will retain heat and allow for better flavor for your coffee or tea. The MADRID French press coffee and tea maker is truly a premium French press unlike any other, for a connoisseur of fine tasting coffees or teas. Replacement beakers are available from the manufacturer as well. The MADRID French press has an ultra premium chrome housing. It is dishwasher safe as well. Since it doesn't use any electricity, and is easy to rinse and clean, requires no disposable filters, a French press coffee and tea maker like MADRID is also perfect for for taking with you on your travels, or camping as well. For more information and product images and demonstration videos please see the manufacturer's websites.

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    Prepare Delicious Lumpfish Roe Dishes

    Almost everyone thinks that caviar is too expensive. Well, you could buy quality caviar from the market at affordable prices too. The trick is to know what to buy and how to prepare it at home. For instance lumpfish roe is affordable. Lumpfish roe is perfect to be served as a garnish or an appetizer before the main course. The price of caviar differs according to the quality. However, if you are too cost-specific, you can use lumpfish roe in small amounts and use other ingredients to increase the quantity of the dish. Listed below are some recipes to prepare lumpfish roe in a cost-effective manner.

    Recipe 1

    Ingredients required are:

    Potato - 1 largeButter - 100 gramsWhite crab meat - 55 gramsFresh ground pepper and salt - to tasteWhipped mayonnaise - 2 spoonsLumpfish roe - 25 gramsFor garnishing - chervil, 1 sprig

    Preparation: Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C. Wash the potato and dry it thoroughly. Place the potato on a baking sheet. Then, prick the potato and using a metal skewer, run through the potato. Bake it for 1 and half hour. Once it is baked slice it in half lengthwise and from each half of the potato, take out the flesh into a bowl. Reserve the skin.

    Add butter and crab into the potato. Season it with the ground pepper and salt. In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise with the lumpfish roe. Into the back of the potato skins, put the crab and potato mixture. Then top it up with lumpfish roe and mayonnaise. Garnish with chervil. Serve the dish immediately.

    Recipe 2

    Ingredients required are:

    Pasta - 50 gramsChopped, smoked salmon - 150 gramsSour cream - 150 milliliterChives - 1 spoonLumpfish roe - 50 gramsSalt and fresh ground pepper for seasoning

    Preparation: Cook and then drain the pasta. Toss it with cream, smoked salmon along with chives. Serve it in soup bowls, topped with 1 spoon of lumpfish roe. Season it with pepper and salt. Serve this dish immediately.

    Recipe 3

    Ingredients required are:

    Eggs - 2Olive oil - 60 milliliterPlain yogurt - 125 milliliterMilk - 125 milliliterGrated lemon zest - 1 spoonSelf-rising flour - 375 gramsSugar - 1 teaspoonCreme fraiche - 250 gramsSmoked trout - 1 smallLumpfish caviar - for serving

    Preparation: First preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Then grease mini-muffin pans. In a bowl, combine the oil, eggs, milk, yogurt and lime zest. Into a large bowl, stir in sugar and flour. Pour in the wet ingredients and combine well. Spoon this mixture into the muffin pans. Bake for 12 minutes or till it is cooked. Keep aside to cool it completely. Cut off a small slice from the top of all the muffins, scoop out little from the middle part and discard it. Fill it with little trout, creme fraiche and some lumpfish caviar. The guest will love this preparation.

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    GROSCHE YORK French Press Coffee and tea maker, 350 ml 11.8fl oz capacity, 3 cup (one coffee mug) size; All Stainless Steel filter (no plastic parts in press mechanism)

    • High quality French Press with Borosilicate glass beaker
    • All parts, including the glass beaker, metal body, and stainless steel filter are dishwasher safe
    • Secondary filter in lid- turn the lid to close the filter and retain heat, and turn it back to pour
    • Always use coarse ground coffee in a french press, (1 to 3 tablespoons per mug 300ml)
    • You can also use this french press to make loose leaf or blooming tea. Replacements beakers are available from the manufacturer

    List Price: $30.00
    Special Offer: check this out!

    Related Products

    Product Description
    The York by GROSCHE is a premium manual French coffee press that will produce the best flavor from any coffee or tea you put into it. York 350 is smaller than the 1L and the perfect size for a single cup. This type of manual-operated coffee maker is regarded as the best way to brew fully-bodied coffee to enjoy the flavor as it was intended. By fully infusing the course grounds (finely ground coffee can seep through the filter), the flavors and oils can be fully extracted and the final result is unmatched! It has a dual filter system, one on the main press and another on the lid. The filter inside in fully stainless steel without any plastic parts, unlike what's found from other leading manufacturer's products. When You make your coffee or tea, turn the lid to close the press while your coffee or tea steeps, and turn it again to open it to pour. That will retain heat and allow for better flavor for your coffee or tea. The York from GROSCHE is for the true connoisseur of coffee or tea. It is easy to clean, does not require replaceable filters, and is dishwasher safe. tea press Drive traffic from to your website. Get $75 in free clicks! Amazon Product Ads is a highly targeted pay-per-click advertising program that puts your ...
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