
alfredo sauce recipe

Fettuccine Alfredo one of Italy's most famous pasta recipes, is mixed in with the ever tasty Alfredo sauce to create one of the worlds most popular recipes. Here, I will show you my personal favourite recipe on how to make Alfredo sauce. It's tasty, creamy, smooth and best of all, easy to make!
For about 4-6 servings, the ingredients needed to make the pasta are 1 pound of fettuccine pasta (450 grams), 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of oil and 3 litres of water.
The Ingredients for the sauce from scratch are 1/2 a cup of butter, 1 cup heavy cream, 1 1/2 cups of grated Parmesan cheese, 1/4 tablespoon of salt, Pepper and Grated Parsley
How to make the Fettuccine pasta:
Making the Fettuccine pasta is done in a large pan, by boiling water for the pasta, to then adding the salt and a tablespoon of oil to make sure the pasta doesn't clump together. Once the water is boiling, add a pound of Fettuccine pasta for roughly 10 mins, and be sure to stir every 2-3 minutes. Taste a piece of Pasta after about 10 minutes, if it happens to taste undercooked, boil for another minute or two and try again.
How to make Alfredo Sauce:
In a skillet at a low heat, melt the butter; add all the cream and mix them well to cook. When the butter has melted and the cream simmers, remove from the heat, add a cup and a half of Parmesan cheese and add the salt and pepper. Stir these well till they mix. When the pasta is ready, drain it and add it to the sauce. Mix until the Alfredo sauce and fettuccine pasta is fully coated. Then relish with chopped parsley. Done!
Healthier tip, There are three main ways you can make Alfredo sauce healthier for you:
Substituting heavy cream for half and half, the half and half is a mixture of cream and milk, so there are fewer calories and much less fat.
Choosing the option of low-fat cheese, Instead of Parmesan, mozzarella can also be used. Using a reduced fat version of the cheese also cuts down on fat and calories.
By using real butter, While butter has a really bad reputation, because it has no hydrogenated oils and fats, it is actually healthier for your body.
Making Alfredo sauce is as easy as that, now serve and enjoy with friends and family!

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