
hollandaise sauce recipe

The key to making a great hollandaise is all in the vinegar. Make sure you use good quality white wine vinegar.
What you will need:

100ml white wine vinegar

100ml Orange Juice
1 clove of garlic
1 sprig of thyme
1 sprig of rosemary
100gm of butter
2 eggs (Be sure to use free range organic)
Salt and Pepper
To make the vinegar reduction combine the vinegar, orange juice, garlic, peppercorn, thyme and rosemary in a small saucepan and reduce by half. Once it has been reduced simmer for around ten minutes. Allow it to cool a little bit.
Clarify the butter and allow it to cool a little.
Separate the two egg yolks. The whites are not needed for this sauce so you may discard or preferably save for another recipe. Place a saucepan on a high heat with water at a rolling boil. Place the eggs in a metal bowl and place the base of the bowl in the boiling water (be careful not to burn your hand). Whisk the eggs with a soft whisk, be sure to pay attention so that the eggs do not scramble on the sides or bottom. Take on and off the water to moderate the heat. Add a dash of the vinegar reduction and return to the heat. Whisk the eggs until they form a stiff almost white ribbon.
Once you have formed a white ribbon of egg slowly begin to add the butter. Combine all the butter before adding more. Be cautious of any butter slick on the surface as this may indicate the sauce is about to split. Continuing adding the butter slowly, once the sauce begins to thicken slowly add some more vinegar, this will knock it down and allow it to take more butter. Be careful not to overpower with the flavor of the vinegar. Add a little water to create desired consistency. Season until you can no longer taste the oiliness of the butter on your tongue.
Serve immediately at room temperature. Do not store or refrigerate
This recipe works best if all the ingredients are around the same temperature so don't take on element direct from the stove and attempt to combine it.
Perfect for Eggs Benedict or just add fresh tarragon to create a Bearnaise sauce.

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