
low carb chicken recipes - Low Carb Chicken Recipe Guide

low carb chicken recipes 

low carb chicken recipes:

Chicken makes a perfect meal if you are on a low carb diet, due to it containing pretty much no carbs at all. The great thing about chicken in particular is that you can do a lot of different things with it and make various meals. So, a low carb chicken recipe can be made up of various ingredients as long as they all conform to your particular diet.
low carb chicken recipes
low carb chicken recipes

If you're on the first 2 week ketosis process of the Atkins diet for instance, then you won't be able to include some things which you can once the first two weeks are complete. It is vital that you stick to the 20 grams of carbs per day during the first 2 weeks. This should see an almost instant weight loss. So, below we will show you a quick and easy low carb chicken recipe that you can make in no time at all.
Making a Crunchy Pecan Chicken meal is a great way to make a very tasty meal that has little carbs. 
The low carb chicken recipe contains the following ingredients:
3-4 Chicken Breasts or Fillets
A Cup Of Ground Pecan Nuts
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of basil
1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese
Cup of lemon juice
Here's how to prepare low carb chicken recipes:
This is a very easy process which simply involves mixing together the nuts, salt, basil and parmesan cheese. Then dip each chicken breast individually into the lemon juice and coat with the mixed up ingredients. Make sure the chicken breast is coated fully both sides. Them place into a frying pan which contains a little olive oil and cook both sides until done. This should only require a couple of minutes on either side.
This is just one low carb chicken recipe that you can prepare.

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